Disability management consulting

The Intergo team can assist you with specific steps in managing your employees' disability to reduce the time and costs associated with work stoppage while promoting a safe and sustainable return to work. Our expertise in occupational rehabilitation will enable early and effective detection of predictable risk factors that contribute to prolonged absences from work, including developing an action plan targeting the right issues.

Personalized support in disability management

  • Disability coordination: analysis of medical information, case discussions with the physician and the team of treating professionals and coordination of interventions;
  • Rapid screening assessment : early intervention to prevent or reduce the duration of the work stoppage, identification of obstacles to your employee's retention and/or return to work, and formulation of well-targeted recommendations to help guide your action plan;
  • Assessment of rehabilitation potential : aims to objectify the current functional profile of the person and identify their rehabilitation needs in relation to the intended job;
  • Coordination and follow-up of the return to work : implementation of a concerted action plan with the employer, the worker and the treatment team (if necessary, an ergonomist or an occupational therapist can carry out the analysis of the workstation, carry out teaching according to the problems and ensure the therapeutic follow-up in employment);
  • Evaluation of functional working abilities by a specialized occupational therapist and medical expertise by our team of collaborators (ref. : orthopedist, cardiologist, surgeon, gastroenterologist, neurosurgeon, pulmonologist, psychiatrist, psychologist, rheumatologist, etc.).